For Individual
Own label products ”Hapa Rice”.
White rice, Brown Rice, Probiotics Rice, Rice Powder and Packed cooked rice.

主食である「お米」をからだづくりのための食材として利用。免疫力向上の作用がある乳酸菌を成分に含む米の開発に成功。 免疫調製作用に優れており、慣行栽培のあきたこまち玄米よりも糠臭さがなく、炊いたときの食味と食感がよいプレミアムなあきたこまち。
Probiotics Rice
Rice, a staple food, is used as an ingredient for body building. We have succeeded in developing rice that contains lactic acid bacteria as an ingredient, which has an immunity-enhancing effect. This premium Akita-Komachi rice has excellent immune conditioning properties, has less bran smell than conventionally grown Akita-Komachi brown rice, and has a better taste and texture when cooked.

Hapa Rice
"Hapa" means "mix" in Hawaiian. Hapa rice is a mix of Akita Komachi first-grade brown rice and white rice.
This luxurious, health-conscious blend of brown rice, which is difficult to cook and has a distinctive odor, is made delicious and easy to eat using normal rice cooking methods.

乳酸菌で育てた、その年の主食用秋田県産あきたこまち一等米だけを使った究極の米粉。 食物繊維、ビタミン、ミネ ラルが豊富な玄米を焙煎 して粉砕。玄米独特のクセがなく、モチモチしていて香り豊か。き な粉のようなやさしい香り。通常の白米を製粉した米粉も。
White Rice flour/ Brown Rice flour
The ultimate rice flour made from only first-class Akita Akita Komachi rice grown with lactic acid bacteria and used as the staple food of the year. Brown rice, rich in dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, is roasted and ground. It is chewy and aromatic without the peculiar taste of brown rice. It has a gentle aroma like soybean flour. Rice flour made from ordinary white rice is also available.

Brown Rice / White Rice
Yuzawa City in Akita Prefecture is rich in nature, with many water sources selected as one of the 100 best water sources. The large difference in temperature between day and night makes the sweetness of the rice concentrated. Akita Komachi produced in Yuzawa City won first prize in a strict agricultural product inspection. The rice is carefully cultivated with fertilizers and pesticides carefully selected by veteran agricultural inspectors and rice sommeliers.